Getting Started (1)
The following help guides, screenshots and videos will help you to familiarise yourself with the I-Pro booking system. It is vital that you following this step by step introduction to I-Pro to ensure you maximise the potential of the system.
How to Guides (11)
Helpful and short how to guides
How to add and configure users & user profiles
How to configure your Agency Settings & Brand
How to configure payment providers and payment methods
Guide: Managing Rates for Short-Term Rentals
How does the pricing work within iPRO?
How to setup your changeover day options
What is an iCal and How can it keep my calendars in sync
How does the iCal Sync with iPRO
Guide to Importing iCal Data from Airbnb,, and VRBO into iPRO
iPRO Channel Manager Unveiled: A Comprehensive Guide to Elevating Your Holiday Let Business
iPRO Channel Manager Overview - Getting Started
Minimum Content & Rates Requirement
How do I change the Page Name / Title without affecting the current web url?
How do I change / update the links in the top right of the website?
How do I create a unique url for a property?
Syncing i-Pro to Rentals United
Important Information - Import Bookings from RU to iPro
Quality Control - Availability Check RU vs iPro